Labels:book | bulletin board | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: VISION T MultiMedia CD from CPS This CDco ntains 500 megabytas programs pctures animation and sounds The nost important proga an thhe C or stration versions Allego and HSC Inter Active Allegro MIDI and musical notations program enables VOL (among cther th ngsi to usten othe VOC filos cn CD Th cemo vOrSIGn recds te be mistal ec Copy all files from the directory vallegro' into cirectory of the same name on your haro disk Change to this directory your haro dak MultiMedla Dibtr bution GmbH lyge ATTRIB AmNeum 30 1204 bur Typirg ALLEGRO wi the progrem 7060 HSC InterActive you car view the o.cture nc animations end hear the sounds that are on the CD To install the dermo versiol is program twita which YOU can' 35V0 anything) ycu need our oppy disks COpy #e f-om the CD-ROM directay "DISKSTSCANDISK ...